Lesson 3: Using Motor Controllers

In order to make our robot move, we are going to need to be able to control the motors. We do this with a piece of hardware called a motor controller. Each motor needs its own motor controller. Motor controllers can operate with one of two protocols, but we are going to focus on only one in this tutorial: PWM. PWM is a way for us to tell the motor controllers what we want them to do.

The list of permitted motor controllers for the 2016 season is:

Why use Victor when uncertain? PWM works the same for all the controllers, so it doesn't matter what object is used unless you are using additional features of the motor controller.

Each type of motor controller comes with their own class in the WPI Java library. (The Jaguar uses the Jaguar object, the Talon SRX uses the TalonSRX object, and so on.) If you are uncertain on which class to use, the safest bet would be to use the Victor object.

Enough talk, let's write some code. I am going to be using a Talon, but you don't have to. Simply replace all my Talon objects with the class of your choice. Let's make a robot with two motor controllers: left and right. At the top of your main robot class, declare your motor controllers:

Talon left;
Talon right;

Now we need to instantiate them. Do this in your robotInit() method. The constructor of a motor controller object takes one integer: the port on the roboRIO that the motor controller is plugged into. I am going to plug the left motor controller into port 0, and the right into port 1.

public void robotInit() {
    left = new Talon(0);
    right = new Talon(1);

Now let's make them move! You only need to know one method: the set() method. It takes one double as a parameter: the speed that the motor should go. The speed can be anywhere from -1 to 1, where -1 is full speed backwards, 1 is full speed forwards, and 0 is stop. To make both left and right motors move forward at 20% speed, we can add this code to our teleopPeriodc() method:

public void teleopPeriodic() {

It is important to note that the motor will continue to run at that speed until set() is called again with a different value.

Now when we enable the robot, we will see the left and right motors move forward at 20% speed. If you have deployed this code to your robot, one of the motors may have gone backwards. This is due to motors being mounted in the opposite orientation, and thus forward in code becomes backwards on the physical motor. To fix this issue, simply add a negative sign where it is needed. (For example, let's say your left motor is moving backwards):


should fix it up.

Using Code Red's Robot Library

An alternative way to control motors is using Code Red's Robot Library. Make sure that you have the library setup in your environment before continuing. When using the Robot Library, all motor controllers use the PWMController object. This object does much more than simply set motor speeds, but that is beyond the scope of this lesson and will be covered later. Here is the same code we just wrote, but using the PWMController object:

PWMController left;
PWMController right;

public void robotInit() {
    left = new PWMController(0, true);
    right = new PWMController(1, false);

public void teleopPeriodic() {

Notice that the constructor for the PWMController object takes an additional boolean. The boolean indicates whether the motor is mounted on the robot backwards or not. If it is mounted backwards, simply pass true into the constructor of the motor controller, and you will not need to worry about using any negatives later on in your code.

That's it for this lesson! In the next lesson we are going to learn about getting joystick input.